Thursday, March 21, 2013

Graduation Month

March is truly Graduation Month! I have so many friends who are celebrating the graduation of a family member (be their child, cousin or niece or nephew) these days. I am happy for them for their family is truly blessed to have such successes in life.

I still remember when I graduated from college. I worked a few years first and then looked for a chance to go into mba admission. I went with some friends to “shop” for the best business school in town. When we found “the one”, we immediately took some VeritasPrep reviews to increase our chances of passing the entrance examinations. Of course, we did pass and end up studying MBA for the next 2 years. My days were full of case studies, papers, library research and exams to prepare for. Though I was only get 3-4 hours of sleep during the weekdays, all the challenges were worth it. With patience, hard work and a lot of perseverance, I was able to finish and did graduate with flying colors. That was a very special day! I still remember feeling very proud to have finished. My MBA degree was a gift both to myself and to my parents. I wanted to make them proud and I hope I really did.


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